One Church, many expressions

On Sundays we love to gather together
and we hope you will join us.
In Person Church
Across both buildings (North and South) we invite people of all ages and stages of life into a variety of different expressions and styles of Church.
Contemporary Church
10am • South Building
Traditional Church
10am • North Building
Online Church
We love and encourage gathering in person, but we know that sometimes people are unable to come along and Worship with us so we have an active online ministry that enables people to join our contemporary expression remotely.
This can be accessed, as well as previous sermons, on our YouTube channel:
Every Sunday we have gatherings for all ages, including our children and youth. They join us for the worship and then head to their sessions for their teaching.
Whatever your worship expression, there’s something for you on Sunday mornings!
Join us after the services, where we all gather together as one church over refreshments.
Combined Services
Regularly throughout the year we also have combined gatherings.
These gatherings are an opportunity for us all to be under one roof, worshipping together.
Combined service dates coming soon
We would love to see you at 10am on a Sunday, you will receive a warm welcome, friendly faces, and an opportunity for refreshments after each gathering.