We believe that Jesus’ Love for this world is the only thing that leads to true transformation in people’s lives, so our desire is to live as Jesus did and Love the World like Jesus did, being led by the Holy Spirit as we go
Our Story
Our roots go back over a hundred years to a little chapel in Locks Heath. Over the years the church has grown, bigger buildings have been built and the church's name has changed (most recently from Locks Heath Free Church to Waypoint Church). However, our love for God and desire for people to personally encounter Jesus and to follow him has remained the same.
As our numbers have grown so has our building, ultimately this led to our new building (the South building) being built and with a change of name. Waypoint means ‘a stopping place on a journey’. That’s what we continue to be to hundreds of people, a stopping point along a spiritual journey where they can encounter God and his life changing power.
Our Partners
Waypoint Church is a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) who are part of the Baptist Union of Great Britain. We work alongside local churches and partner practically and financially with a variety of other charities and organisations that help the most needy in our country and world.
Our Constitution
Please see our constitution set out here. If you have any questions about this, or you want to know more, please contact our Pastor Jim Privett.