Small Groups are the key to making a large church feel personal. We want everyone to feel needed and known. That’s why at Waypoint Church we have distinct styles of Small Groups:
Life Groups – These are our discipleship groups designed to help each person on their journey of living and loving like Jesus. Our Life Groups are centred around three key values:
Loving God (UP) – Prayer, Worship, Study, Reliance on the Holy Spirit.
Loving one another (IN) – Prayer for each other, accountability, care for one another.
Loving those who don’t know Jesus (OUT) – Applying what we do in life groups to our everyday.
Our life groups are invaluable, and we have hundreds of people across dozens of Life Groups, all who have unique styles and flavours.
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Interest groups - Our interest groups consist of a whole variety of focussed groups from, football groups, golf groups, knitting groups, prayer groups and more.
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At Waypoint Church we know that sport is a great way to get connected. This is why we have a running small group, a football team and a golf society. Waypoint FC plays in the Church football league (SCFL) and we train weekly.
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The Golf society play regular events across the year and are always on the lookout for new members.