We offer courses to help you deepen your faith, strengthen your relationships and receive support, whatever your stage of life.

Kintsugi Hope
Waypoint Church is in partnership with the charity Kintsugi Hope and shares its vision of providing safe spaces where mental and emotional health is understood and accepted, creating a supportive community for people to flourish and grow. As we transition into another new season, we continue to encourage everyone to find ways to connect or reconnect. To discover how to manage the vast array of emotions we have experienced and how to care for our emotional and mental wellbeing.
Please email us for the dates of the next course and find more information here.
What is a Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Group?
A Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Group is a safe and supportive space:
providing tools for self-management
for anyone wishing to invest in their mental and emotional well-being
a facilitated peer mentoring style setting.
12 sessions – 2 Hours each week.
Issues covered include; disappointment, loss, anxiety, anger, perfectionism, shame and resilience.
Feedback so far has been amazing.
“Personally, for me it was really helpful to know that I wasn’t alone with what I struggled with, and it was helpful that we were able to feel safe and comfortable to share things.”
“I have begun to learn about my own wellbeing having known of its importance!”
“For me it was helpful to explore the deeper meaning to everyday words like stress depression anger guilt and shame. It helped me understand myself better, other people better.”
“It was useful to learn some new strategies to use when facing life’s ups and downs, and to learn from each other’s experiences too.”
If you would like to know more information about attending a Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing course at Waypoint Church, please contact us here.
Life doesn’t always go the way we expect, perhaps you have questions about life and meaning?
Alpha Online is the opportunity to meet with others from the safe and relaxed environment of your own home.
A chance to watch some engaging videos that raise important life topics and of course a chance to ask questions about life and faith.
No question is too small or silly. There’s no fee and no pressure, just come and be part of something bigger.
“If you are interested in signing up to our next Alpha course please contact us here smallgroups@waypointchurch.org.uk