John 9:1-41

  1. Describe a time when you refused to accept something because you haven’t understood it?

  2. What has Jesus done that you can’t explain?

  3. When in your life has Jesus caused you to say, ‘all I know is…’?

  4. The religious authorities wouldn’t believe the miracle. What do you think were some of the barriers that stopped them believing? Are there any barriers that you identify with?

  5. How can we ensure we are more like the blind man than the religious authorities?


The Feeding of the 5000

John 6:1-15

  1. How do you respond to a challenge?

  2. Has God ever asked you to do something that seems impossible?

  3. Jesus organised the crowd before he blessed them. Where might God be asking for order in your life before he blesses you?

  4. Jesus took a little to do a lot. Do you know of any modern examples of this miracle?

  5. What feelings would you have had about giving up your lunch (your satisfaction) for Jesus? What would you struggle to give to Jesus? How might you learn to do this more willingly?


A paralysed man healed

Luke 5:17-26

  1. What have you done that other people said was foolish?

  2. What do you think motivated the man’s friends to do what they did?

  3. Why might this have been a foolish thing to do—from the friends perspective? The paralysed man’s perspective? The crowd in the room’s perspective?

  4. How did Jesus view and deal with the situation? What does this tell you about Jesus?

  5. Are there any people you know who you need to bring to Jesus? How determined are you?


The Centurion’s Faith

Matthew 8:5-13

  1. Words are powerful. What has been the most positive word someone has said to you?

  2. Jesus was astonished at the Centurion’s faith, have you ever been astonished at someone's faith?

  3. What do you think astonished Jesus about the Centurion’s faith?

  4. Do you believe Jesus simply has to ‘say the word’ and things will change? What stops you from asking?

  5. How much faith do you think you need for a miracle to happen? How do you get more faith?

  6. What could you pray for in faith right now?


Walking on Water & Pentecost

Matthew 14:22-33 & Acts 2:1-14

  1. When you see or hear about a miracle, what is your immediate reaction?

  2. What distractions cause you to ‘sink’?

  3. Have you had a period in your life when Jesus has reached down and rescued you?

  4. Peter ‘got out of the boat’ and he ‘got out of the room’, what was different about him as he addressed the crowd in Jerusalem?

  5. What place of safety is God asking you to leave so that you can be involved in His miracles today?